Wetherill Park Blog



A Stellar Night at Doltone House: Success at Our Latest Auction Event

On Thursday, 16th May, Doltone House, Club Marconi was abuzz with excitement and anticipation as we hosted our latest auction event. The evening was nothing short of spectacular, with six out of six properties sold, each achieving outstanding results. 

Here's a closer look at the properties and their impressive outcomes:

1. 11 Kinghorne Road, Bonnyrigg Heights
   - Sold for: $1,220,000
   - Bidders: 9

2. 5/99A Cambridge Street, Canley Heights
   - Sold for: $730,000
   - Bidders: 9

3. 29 Kihilla Street, Fairfield Heights
   - Sold for: $1,170,000
   - Bidders: 8

4. 34 Green Avenue, Smithfield
   - Sold for: $1,105,000
   - Bidders: 17

5. 2 Langland Street, Wetherill Park
   - Sold for: $1,275,000
   - Bidders: 10

6. 25 Vale Street, Woodpark
   - Sold for: $1,170,000
   - Bidders: 30

The overall statistics from the evening speak volumes about the success of the event:

- Total Properties Sold: 6/6
- Total Bids: 105
- Registered Bidders: 84
- Combined Amount Over Reserve: $270,000

Each property attracted significant interest, with a total of 84 registered bidders and 105 bids placed throughout the evening. The intense competition and enthusiasm from the bidders led to all properties exceeding their reserve prices, resulting in a combined total of $270,000 over the expected reserve.

This event highlights the robust demand and competitive nature of the current real estate market. The stellar results achieved are a testament to the effective marketing strategies, the quality of the properties presented, and the dynamic energy of the auction itself.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the successful buyers and thank all the participants for their enthusiastic involvement. Our team is incredibly proud of the outcomes and looks forward to continuing to deliver exceptional results in future auctions.

Stay tuned for more updates and upcoming auction events. If you’re looking to buy or sell, reach out to us for professional guidance and support. Let us help you achieve your real estate goals with success and confidence.