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David Marriner's vision for the iconic Sheraton Mirage Port Douglas

David Marriner's vision for the iconic Sheraton Mirage was finally made public last night as local business people packed the Ballroom for the long awaited presentation.

  • Plans rely on Government support
  • Sheraton Mirage "tired": Hockey
  • Australian first for redevelopment

 Accompanied by Shadow Treasurer, Joe Hockey, and Federal Member for Leichhardt and event instigator, Warren Entsch, Mr Marriner spoke openly about his plans for the property, the challenges he has faced during drawn out negotiations, and importantly, he highlighted that without Government support his plans may come to nought.

Mr Entsch made reference to Division 10 councillor Julia Leu being in the audience, raising mock concern of Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey.

"Gee whiz Warren, When I heard Julia was here I shuddered a bit actually"

by Mat Churchill of Newsport.....click here to see full story

Sheraton Mirage Port Douglas plan