
Joanna Camarda

Sales Assistant

From go to whoa, Joanna knows how to guide her clients and celebrate the wins. Her honest and personal approach, combined with her A+ attitude, is pure gold to everyone she liaises with.

A veteran with over 20 years of experience, Joanna’s mindset and focus are still as sharp as her first day in the industry. Watching markets evolve and expand is one of her secret pastimes, and she gets a buzz from sharing her wealth of knowledge about market trends, fluctuations, and property values. Mixed with her sales administration prowess, top-notch communication skills, quick intellect and marketing expertise, she brings significant value to the table.

Joanna is spoilt for convenience, having grown up in and still living in the inner-west. She loves having everything at her fingertips, from entertainment to medical facilities and outstanding cuisine options. She’s in her happy place strolling past nearby historic homes peppered around the suburbs and admiring their beautiful architecture.