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- Januray 20, 2017 - 14/20 Fitzgerald Street, Newtown - Sydney Morning Herarld - Smart Buys
- IWC - 6 Livingstone
- 17/617 King
- 7 Holdsworth
- March 24, 2017 - 7/617-623 King Street, Newtown - Inner West Courier - Market Wrap
- 27th Jan, 40a Copeland Street, Alexandria, SMH, What to see this weekend
- 31st Janurary 2017, Inner West Courier, 68B Chelmford Street, Newtown, On the market
Januray 20, 2017 - 14/20 Fitzgerald Street, Newtown - Sydney Morning Herarld - Smart Buys
Januray 20, 2017 - 14/20 Fitzgerald Street, Newtown - Sydney Morning Herarld - Smart Buys.pdf