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  • 35 Avocet Island Quay, WANNANUP, WA 6210

35 Avocet Island Quay, Wannanup, WA 6210

    For Sale


    The Absolute Premium 1172m2 Corner Canal Location

    The Greatest Earth on Show?? we think so !!!

    If you are you searching for the best and most unique vacant lot in the Eastport precinct, then look no further, as this is it!!

    If you are asking why in our opinion is this the most premium large corner canal lot in the area. The answer is, that you wont be looking into anyones lounge as you wont see into another home. All you will see is water, boating activity and the nearby nature protected island.

    In summary, this lot has uninterrupted expansive views that overlooks the picturesque Marina plus there is loads of waterfront area to moor your own boat(s), large or small or both.

    Once you build the mansion of your dreams, you can wake up every morning and enjoy your time overlooking the sparkling waters and the local marina or the island opposite, and the activity of pleasure boats coming and going, so unlike most canal lots you won't be looking over a canal into someone's else's lounge, you will have a broad view pristine outlook that you won't tire from. It will seem like you are in a holiday environment every day.

    The lot is a generous sized 1172m2 of which there is over 40 metres of water frontage and approx. 750 m2 dry-land area to design the home to capture views from nearly every living and sleeping room if well designed. Just like the neighboring lots, the land development was designed with some slope so the homes are very elevated from water level but just above jetty level the home can have activity rooms and storage area at closer to water levels.

    In my opinion you can't over capitalise on a lot like this, as premium locations are limited and rarely become available and most room will have the desired outlook. Be quick as this is a very rare opportunity that won't be repeated, and once it is gone, it is gone.

    Situated just 12kms Southwest of Mandurah and only approx 87km's from central Perth it is conveniently located for a large land parcel ideal for a Premium Waterfront home.

    For more information please contact Peter Vetten 0403584466

    DISCLAIMER: Every care has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained in this advertisement, but no warranty (either express or implied) is given by Raine & Horne or its agent, as to the accuracy of the contents. Purchasers should conduct their own investigations into all matters relating to the proposed purchase of the property.

    avatar Peter Vetten
    Peter Vetten
    Principal & Licensee

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    Property Info:
    • Property ID: L22516149
    • Property Type:Land
    • Land Area:1172 sqm
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