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Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Raine & Horne Darwin
(updated the 1st of May 2020)
Below you can read our initial response to COVID-19. But the NT is racing out of the restrictions faster than any other Capital City in Australia. Here's what the NT Government released as their road map to the new normal (click on the image to enlarge it).
In response to this new normal and unwinding of restrictions, we've put together our own roadmap to the new real estate normal in Darwin (click on this image to enlarge it).
Market Update Video.
Click here to watch Glenn Grantham, our GM, discuss the impact on the market in March and April and what could happen in May and June as Darwin is currently one of the safest places with the fewest restrictions.
Original Blog from 20th of March 2020.
We’re entering a brave new world over the coming weeks and months. And whilst this means some drastic changes to the way we live our lives, it doesn’t mean that we can’t continue to do business. In the interests of continuing to facilitate the buying, selling and leasing of properties, yet protecting our employees, and more so, those at risk in our community, we’ve developed new work practices, that started on Tuesday (17th of March). These measures ensure that when you do business with Raine & Horne Darwin, you can do so with a level of trust and certainty (noting that there are things out of our control, so we can never guarantee 100% safety unless we’re all wearing hazmat suits and living life like the response team from Monsters Inc).
Here’s what we’re doing at Raine & Horne Darwin to limit the impact of COVID-19 on our business and you:
- We can confirm that none of our staff have been overseas in the past month and none are currently sick or showing any signs or symptoms. Should our staff show any minor flu like symptoms they will be sent home to work from home and self-isolate.
- Employees have the capabilities to work from home if required and if we need to implement this, it can be done immediately.
- All Periodic Rental Inspections have been suspended until further notice. This is a measure we have taken to protect our employees and customers. We will however be asking all tenants to report any maintenance immediately and not wait until an inspection is rebooked.
- Our staff will be well looked after over this period, and their ability to work from home, or recover, should they fall ill, will be accommodated.
- We will also be offering leave to our staff should they be required to care for a sick family member.
- This will include caring for parents who are in the high risk categories.
- This will also include staff who have children at any school that is closed down over this period, due to the virus.
- Our front desk administrators, who interact with the public the most, will:
- Ensure hand sanitiser is on the front counter
- Won’t shake hands or touch the public.
- All workstations will be regularly cleaned throughout the day, and will not be shared between staff.
- Any time we’re required to enter a premises, whether a rental inspection, or ‘open home’ for sales or rental, we’ll ensure that:
- All people entering the home, and those whose home it is, will be screened prior to the open home, with the following questions:
- Are you sick or showing any flu like signs and symptoms, no matter how minor?
- Have you been overseas within the past two weeks? Noting that the self-isolation only applies to new arrivals.
- There will be no communal notepad, pen or tablet for people to sign in with; Our staff member will take record all details.
- Limited business cards and brochures will be supplied. It will be preferred that people view the brochures online from our website.
- There will be no shaking hands or touching between our staff and those we meet with.
- All people entering the home, and those whose home it is, will be screened prior to the open home, with the following questions:
- We use DocuSign so most contractual meetings wont require a pen and paper.
- Virtual Open Inspections and Skype/VOIP/FaceTime walkthroughs will be available should you be unable to attend in person. The vast majority of our owners and investors are interstate. As such these changes are minimal as we often conduct the management of your assets virtually.
We’ve announced these measures to assure our clients and potential clients that we’re still open for business, and doing everything we can to make it a safe environment for our staff, clients, and those in the community.
We wish everyone a safe and uneventful next few weeks and look forward to flattening the ‘COVID-19 Curve’ and ensuring our hospitals are well placed to assist those in need.
Grants and Assistance Packages:
There are a number of stimulus packages that are available for owners that can help during this time. As of the 20th here is a new one we think will apply to our clients:
Home Improvement Plan – includes interstate landlords.
The scheme operates on a voucher system, with homeowners receiving either:
- a voucher worth $4,000 if they contribute at least $1,000 of their own money, or
- a voucher worth $6,000 if they contribute at least $2,000 of their own money.
For list of other COVID-19 stimulus packages (not necessarily property related, but will help keep the economy moving):
Glenn Grantham
General Manager
Raine & Horne Darwin
08 8941 8941
[email protected].